- Theory course of Formalities and Ceremonial
- Practical course of Formalities and Ceremonial
- Karambit Knife
- Practical course of Tonfa
- Cold Weapon Defense
- Firearm Defense
- Practical course of Firearm
- Practical course of Cold Weapon
- Expression, Body Language and Negotiation
- Applied Self Defense
- Theory course of Self Defense
- Bodybuilding and Fitness
- Theory course of Escort
- Applied Escort
- Applied Knife
- Security
- Tactical Moves
- …..

You can Download the above flowchart here.
International Instructor C,B,A (After Each SEC Level)
1. International Theoretical Coaching (For LEVEL C,B,A)
2. International Practical Coaching (For LEVEL C,B,A)
3. Present a research about Security (For LEVEL A)